HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout1940-00-00 Circa Forestry Tools1943-00-00 Using Aerial Photos to Determine Texas Timber W.T. Hartman in Background and P.R. Wilson in Foreground 0791944-12-00 Cross-section of Slash Pine, Ring Count Shows 6 Years Old-7 Inches in Diameter 5401944-12-00 Cross-section of Slash Pine, Ring Count Shows 6 Years Old-7 Inches in Diameter 540 (2)1945-00-00 Circa Forest Management-General-Small Pine Seedling at the Base of a Mature Tree, Pine Cone & Pine Seed are Also Shown 31821945-00-00 Circa Seedling and Pinecone1949-00-00 Thinning Display1960-00-00 Circa Disking Firebreaks1962-00-00 Dwight Fate (L) and Bruce Miles (R) Taking Soil Samples1970-04-00 Thinning & Timber Marking1971-04-00 Seeder Used on Sandy Soil1973-08-00 District 5 Plowing Firebreaks1973-08-00 District 5 Plowing Firebreaks (2)1973-08-00 District 5 Plowing Firebreaks (3)1973-08-00 District 5 Plowing Firebreaks (4)1973-08-00 District 5 Plowing Firebreaks (5)1973-08-00 District 5 Plowing Firebreaks (6)1973-08-00 District 5 Plowing Firebreaks (7)1973-08-00 District 5 Plowing Firebreaks (8)1973-08-00 District 5 Plowing Firebreaks (9)1974-10-00 Forestry Incentives Program Slide1975-04-00 Tree Schematic Slide1975-09-00 Tree Growth Comparison1977-04-00 Growth and Removals1979-04-00 Tree Growth Comparison1980-00-00 Christmas Tree Farm in East Texas1980-00-00 Using a Forester for Timber Sales1981-04-00 Reforestation Accomplishments1981-09-00 ETX Ownerships1981-09-00 MBO Accomplishments1981-09-00 MBO Accomplishments (2)1981-09-00 MBO Accomplishments with Bobby Young (L) and Ernie Smith (R)1983-01-00 East Texas Annual Timber Growth Chart1983-02-00 District Tree Planting Accomplishments1985-00-00 Circa Green Firebreak1985-07-00 Taking Data for Moisture Plots1987-04-00 ETX Xmas Trees with Ken Conaway1990-00-00 Circa ETX Windthrow with Joe Fox2013-02-00 Aggie Replant with Todd Nightingale